PTPF Plungers

Polar Plunge Perth 2024

38 days to go

With 5 Team Members and almost $500 raised so far we are Plunging towards our goal nicely now ... a little bit of cold water won't stop us!!

PTPF will be freezin’ for a reason

Police Training Practices Faculty (PTPF) are plunging in 2024.
We are getting wet and cold to raise awareness of Special Olympics WA and to support the Athletes to play sports.
If you can't plunge with us then donate to a Plunger.
Come along on the day to cheer us on and join in on the fun.
Let's get freezin for a reason !!

Our Achievements

Reached 50% of Fundraising Goal

Reached 100% of Fundraising Goal

Thank you to our Sponsors



All the best PTPF Plungers


Georgia Boylan



Christine Lee



Glenys Arnold

Good for you ... love Mum xx


Gordon Mccreadie

Bub! Have a cold dip!!! Love Gordo xx


Susie And Jo

Go Steph! Look forward to seeing the pics!


Nicole Guest



Kat Ricciardone


Jane Kung

Great job!


Denise Vassallo

OMG - Don't have a heart attack!


Blake Veaney

Very proud of you for doing this, Denise. Looking forward to being part of this years Polar Plunge with you. From Blake.


Linda Smith



Rachel, Nicole, Ellis, And Carson

I demand video!! 😄


Ash Whyte


Sandy Arnold

Wishing you all the best for this and i hope this helps in a small way


Kate Haig

Gooooooooo Mrs Mac!


Stephanie Lee


Sharon Lawson


Pat Dean

Good luck. To bloomin cold x


Mairead Dempsey


Denise Mccreadie


Suzanne Brown

Every little bit helps. Go team!


Ross Blake


Pat Dean

Good on bloomin cold though