Andrea Dundas

India Invitational Games 2024

Will you help me compete in India?

I’m proud to have been selected to represent Australia at the Special Olympics Asia Pacific Invitational Games in New Delhi, India from 18-22 November 2024.

If I can raise enough money to get there, I will have the chance to compete in Bocce for Australia. It will be my first international competition.

Will you help make my dreams come true with a donation?

All donations are greatly appreciated and donations of $2 or more are tax deductible.

At the Games, I will be brave and do my best. I will make Australia proud.

If you can’t donate, spread the word and encourage others to consider helping my fundraising efforts.

Thank you.

Thank you to my Sponsors




Clayton Kuzma



Wishing you all the best in India at the Asia Pacific Games. Have no doubt you'll make us all proud representing Australia in bocce and we'll all be cheering you on too!


Wayne & Maia Martin

Best of luck Andrea!



Congratulations 🙌 again Andrea do yourself proud and enjoy look after mum


Janice Elliot

Go get them Andrea !!!!


Alison Hawe

Good luck Andrea. Keep an eye on mum too.


Lisa N

Go for it cousin! You will be awesome xx


Leigh Steflicek

Way to go Andrea. The kindergymmers and I will be cheering you on.


Theresa Benallack

Good luck


Kate Blackmore

Go Andrea! You are an inspiration.


Howard Gorton

Do your best Andrea


Samantha Turley

Good luck, Andrea!


Cailie Coney

Cailie " 39"also has the disability Down Syndrome.She also loves sport plys Ten Pin Bowling once a week.Victoria.