Thank you to our Sponsors

Epsa Pacific Pty Ltd

Nic And Sophia De With
Good luck Sam. We are proud of you.

Go Miriam from all those who supported your fundraiser at Newport Bowls Club Go Team Australia

Mat And Monica Whittingham
Such an amazing achievement Chris! I’m sure you’re super proud of yourself. Have an amazing time xx

Cassandra Gantner Foundation

Cassandra Gantner Foundation

Cassandra Gantner Foundation

Cassandra Gantner Foundation

Cassandra Gantner Foundation

Cassandra Gantner Foundation

Cassandra Gantner Foundation

Cassandra Gantner Foundation

Cassandra Gantner Foundation

Katoomba/leura Seniors
Do your best Chloe.Enjoy your time - you are a champion.

Dirtyfeet - The Right Foot
Best of luck Chris we are so proud to watch you achieve your goal!

Letr Wa
Congratulations of representing Team Australia from all at LETR WA! :-)

Letr Wa
Congratulations of representing Team Australia from all at LETR WA! :-)

Letr Wa
Congratulations for representing Team Australia from all at LETR WA! :-)

Letr Wa
Congratulations for representing Team Australia from all at LETR WA! :-)

Wallerawang Community And Sports Club

Claude Outdoor
Good Luck from Kevin Doyle and the Claude Outdoor Team

Cash Converters
Good Luck! We hope you do well. From the Cc Team


Care Plus Professionals
You’ve worked hard to get this far. Best wishes as you make this final push! Good Luck Lauren❤️

Kenny Constructions (aust) Pty Ltd
Good Luck Jack!

Community Family And Friends
Thanks to our special friends and family - our raffle contribution. Wishing you all the best, Shaun.

Christmas Eve Raffle
Funds raised through Christmas Eve raffle.

Go Miriam and Team Australia from the Newport Bowls Club Fundraiser event

Danny D. Lhs '1990
I'm Proud of You. Keep Living Life Perfectly. You are one of Lifes Heroes.

Gaythorne Bowls Club
Do your best

Margaret Sponberg
Coles Mudgeeraba Customer Donations. 21st Jan 2023 31st Jan 2023 27th Feb 2023

Strathalbyn Physiotherapy
Hi Mia, Congratulations on your selection for the Special Olympics!! It's a great achievement for you! Strathalbyn Physiotherapy and our generous patients wish you the very best for your preparations and throughout the competition in Berlin!! Go Aussie!!

Gympie So

Anna Leighton
Good Luck Bestie, Do Your Best, Enjoy The Experience

Tessa Craig
Go for it Jack. Australia is proud 👏

Fabsco Pty Ltd
Good luck Shaun!

Sue Harmouche
Good luck beautiful 😘😘

Samar And Isaac
Go Rana!!!!! So proud of you we love youuuu

Katie Patterson
Good luck and have fun!

Best of luck

Good Luck Karen enjoy your dream.

Paul Schloeffel
Way to go Sam. So proud of you. You will knock it out of the park. We will see you in Berlin. Love Dad, Kel & Tucker.

Ray Pershouse
Good luck & congratulations

Walsh Family
Good Luck Bruce!

Best of luck Georgiia

Graeme & Fay Haines
All the best Sophie. Do your best and enjoy the experience.

Farm Fresh
Good luck rana were all very proud of you!!!

Run like the clappers! We are so proud. Love from Gran and Grandad

M&j Sharman Nominees Pty Ltd
We are so proud of you Georgianna! Have the most amazing trip, sending lots of love ❤️ Jenny, Karlee and Jodi xxx

Margie Apa
all the best Sarah! we are cheering for you and sending blessings and prayers. we are so proud of you alofa the kiwi Fepulea’i clan

Allan Tennent

Cmcare Disability Support Services
We will be cheering you on all the way Sammy! LETSSSS GOOOOO

Good Luck! Hope you have a wonderful experience.

Wenty Leagues Club
Congratulations on behalf of the Board of Directors!

Ian Luczynski
I want to see the gold medals when you win....

Macgregor Lions


Well done being selected and best of luck in Germany!

Cougar Mining Equipment

Aunty Sally & Uncle Brent
Congratulations on being selected for the Aussie team Jordan. We are SO proud of you! It will be great to see you in the green and gold. Have a fantastic time in Berlin. We love you very much xxoo

Chris Bunton
ICMI donating Chris' fee to the Special Olympics charity fund, in return for his services - as per his request.

Heidelberg West Football Netball Club
We are all cheering you on Mads! All the best in Berlin 🤎💛

Wallerawang School
Wallerawang School Wallerawang/Lidsdale P&C

Wynnum Golf Club - Ladies

Nicole Strickland
Good luck on this amazing journey ❤️

Neil O'keefe
Chase the dream, Karen. Enjoy every minute of the experience.

Nulah And Diaz

Bunnings Sausage Sizzle

Aunty M&m Aka Maria Charalambous
Go Triple G hoping you add to your medals in Berlin.

Best wishes from Brisbane Holland Park Lions Club

Coles Bbq

The Regent Richmond

Lara Hotel
Good luck Lauren!

Alison Craig

All the best Shaun. Hope you smash them

Stephen Brennan

David Lally

Belinda Von Knoll
Good luck Jaye, I think you can bring back the Gold!

Bring back gold!!!!!!!

Wakeling Automotive
Proud of you mate, well done!

Forrest Carpentry
Good luck

Warren Kerby
Go Caity Chick

Amanda Kerby
You're a star Caity. Love you

June Hocart
Go Elizabeth

Jill & Walter Harding
Go Georgia, good luck.

Neil Duffy
Best of luck jack

Barbara And Bob Wines
Go Elizabeth !! We're so proud of you!!!

Cecilia Smith
This is a once and a life time experience. You deserve this happiness your dad and I are proud of you . Go and play for that gold medal 🏅

Go Karen!!!


Matthew Bertram

Patrick Forssman
Congratulations Lauren. Good luck.

Athos Finance
You got this Georgianna!! We all believe in you!! Reach for the stars 🥇🥇

Kathy Healey
Wishing you lots of luck and gold medals Rob.

Love you Rana you make us proud ❤️

All the best Sarah! We’re all so proud of you!

Paul Adamson

Luehr Filter
The best of luck to you and your Basketball team Jordan. Have fun!

Benchmark Property

Cheryl Miller
Congratulations Maddie!

Rotrix Group
Go Georgia !!!

David Nichols

Yarraville Club
Yarraville Club wishes you all the best for June and knows you will do everyone proud!

Goodluck Georgia

Apel Family

Mark Godden
Congratulations Samantha,so proud of you.Love Dad

Gordon Curley
Very proud of you Matty. You have worked very hard on your golf game and you deserve to be in the Aussie team going to Germany. Good luck mate. Dad

Art & Rose Pagaduan
Well done Tash! Hope you play well and that you have a wonderful time in Germany!

Rosemary Berry
Harry, we are so proud of all your achievements thus far. We wish you well in your future ventures. Rosie, Pa & Sue

Go Michael!!!

Edge & Empire Apartment Hotel

Baxter Family
Good Luck Andrew!

Terry And Helen
Congratulations Dylan. You have worked hard for this and we are so proud of you! Love Mum and Dad xo

Debra Banks
So proud of you Well deserved Banks family



Clan Mccormick


Amazing effort already! Go Lisa go!

Movie Night Raffles

Wally And Lois Bauman
Lots of love. Go, go, go. 👏👏👍🏼👍🏼🙋♀️🙋♂️

Steve King

David Hancock
We’re all so proud of you Rani! I know you’ll have an amazing experience with your mum and Nana 👍🏼 With love, uncle David, Amelia, Cohen and Grace 😀 Go Rani!!! 💫

Rory Mccormick

My Therapy Space
Gooooo Elizabeth!!! We are all so super excited to see you compete!!! And so proud of how hard you train xx

Eastern Suburbs Legion Club

Camden Golf Club Ltd

All For Smiles Ability Services
Go Chelsea! What an achievement putting on the green and gold!

Bob And Julie Smith
We're so very proud of you. Go kick some butt!

Rose & Art Pagaduan
Hey Tash, hopefully this extra donation will help you get over the line! Have a wonderful time in Berlin and play well!

Tim And Julia Sambell
Wishing you the very best Bella! Love you lots! Xxx

Marianne Cannon
We are all so proud of you Miriam. We hope you and the family have a wonderful trip . Marianne James Brigid Nick and Ben xx

M Smith & Sons
Go luck Sarah!! Go Australia


Warren Kerby

Baxter Family
Good luck Vicki! We are proud of you.

Grandma And Grandpa Jolly
Good luck Mia! Enjoy the Games and the travel and have fun with your team! XXX

The Chapmans
Best of luck Matt!! From the Chapman's

Coles Moggill
Bring home the Gold!!!! All the best! Team Moggill 4652

Anna Gazelakis
Wishing you best of luck Georgianna. Such a wonderful journey to be on. 💋♥️💋♥️

Fundraising Fundraising


Donations from 17th Jan 2023; 30th Jan 2023; 24th Feb 2023. We know you will try you best Jackson.

Sunnyfield Friends - Fundraiser
From your friends at Sunnyfield

Love Nana

The Cameron's
Congratulations, we our so proud of you Love The Cameron's ❤️

Caoimhe Mccooey
Good luck Jordan! Here is the money that I raised from busking.

Peta Murphy

Coles Mudgeeraba Fundraising BBQ on 21.1.23. You go Jacko.

Lachlan Buszard
Go well superstar

Ray Zammit
Bondi Beach support for Oliver.

Allen Family
Good luck Rob! We know you will have a great time. Enjoy every moment!

Allen Family
Go Maddy! We are very proud of you and wish you all the best for Berlin. Have a wonderful time there!

Mitchel Mcalpine
Wishing you all the best Bella and go for Gold. We look forward to you putting Rosewood on the map at the olympics

Edward Mcglone
run like hell jack

Nanny And Gran Gran
Proud of you Daniel.

Eros Zimmer
Just because it's 2 times a great number (2×150).

Jake Parker

Rhonda Edmonds Edmonds
Sophie. We wish the very very best representing your country- you’ve worked so hard and achieved so much. GO SOPHIE.

Anna Keegan
I know you'll absolutely smash it and make such wonderful memories xxx

Ros Bulluss

Imelda Dodds
Brilliant news. Go Girl. You are a legend!

Andrew Beattie
Well done on getting there and enjoy the experience - Aussie Aussie Aussie!

Naranga Special School
Congratulations Maddy the whole school community will be cheering for you and the team.

Penrith Council

J&m Mahney

Georgia Nugent
We are proud of you. Dad & Cory

Emily Dash
With all my love and creativity, and good vibes. May you balance like Benny the Seal! xxxxxxx


Alma Rivera
Best wishes Oliver

Siobhan Gardiner
Congratulations Sam , I am so beyond proud of you . God bless & safe travels to Berlin 🇦🇺🌏

Ray Zammit
The Bondi Buccaneers Booty for Oli,Ahoy there Seby

Christina Thompson
Go Em

John Mcouat
Go for It Brooke !!

James Liddy
Good luck Juliet!! amazing

Caring Lotus
Congratulations on the achievement Lauren! We are wishing you all the very best!!!

best wishes from the Tannock Family

We are so proud of you and your achievements. love the Tannock Family

Ross Harrod
Well done Maddy

Dean Greenlees
Go Madi. You are sunshine in our lives. Nanny and Poppy XX

Best of luck Jack

Steve Woodley
Super proud of you, mate. You’re going to slam dunk it in.

Cortado Coffee

Penny Newton
Good luck Jaye!!

Mark Vaughan
Hi Miriam, good luck in all your events and have fun meeting people from all over the world. What a great adventure!


Michael Rothenberg
Good luck in Berlin.

Leanne Lance Cowan
So proud of you Georgia and we will be cheering you on. Love you, the Cowans xoxo

Caroline Dempsey
Best of luck I know your family and friends so proud of you already!!

Virginia And Maurice Robson
Hi Sophie How wonderful to represent your country. Enjoy every moment

Mclaren Family
Go G!!!!!

Mclaren Family
Go Miriam!!!!!!!

Mclaren Family
Go Georgianna!!!!

Hall Family
Go Georgia!

Mm Fepuleai And Family

Leon Freese
Carola‘s 70th Birthday wishes you all the best.

Mark Wentzel
Good luck Suan

Coles Hamilton

Good Luck in Berlin!

Kerry Clark
Go for Gold Em.

Amberite Lulu
Thanks for the great day today. It was very generous of you and your family. All the best on your trip.

Generous Customers Xoxo
Funds raised by Bean Tree Cafe, Bondi From generous customers wshing Oli all the best.

Ben And Kate Lewis
Good luck Natascha!!

Marg And Jules
Go Em! All the best for Berlin - we would have loved to have been there. Next time hopefully! Love, Marg and Jules

Mark & Jane Crawford
Good luck Madi!

Sakkas Family
Viel gluck in Deutschland Lots of love from the Sakkas family - Con, Manuela, Alexia, Jeremy and Jamie

Ewaste Connection
Good luck Oliver in Germany! We wish you all the best - from Ewaste Connection.

Balhannah Butcher Customers
Go Madi!

Prarg Prarg

Cub Crew
Congratulations Chloe

Peter Bean
Such an amazing opportunity for you. The beginning of a new chapter in your life that will remain with you forever

Auntie Debra & Uncle Victor

Carolyn And Mike Neale
Anton i am so proud of you. Congratulations go do your best and remember no mater the outcome, you already are a superstar to those who love you. Best wishes Carolyn and Mike xx

Eddie Bosch
Go Oliver! Ride like the wind! All the best from Eddie (friend of Ray)

Sandra Robinson
Good luck! Have a great time

Randell N Sam
Go Sarah❤️💯

Donna Woodley
Sam, so proud of you. You have such a big heart & work really hard. Love you lots x

Kristin Hobbs
So excited for you Sam. Can’t wait to hear how it all goes! Love The Hobbs

Jo Crooks
Congratulations on your amazing achievement Dylan. Good luck in Berlin next year.

Angie Simmons
Go Sam!! So thrilled you’re apart of this awesome experience!!

Garth Saville
Go get ‘em honey x

Baden Civil - Gold Coast
Good luck Jackson! We can't wait to see you wear the Green & Gold!

Amazing achievement! Go Georgianna!

Tom & Deirdre
Congratulations on being selected to represent Australia Dylan. We are very excited for you and wish you every success. Have a great time.

Jo Edgley
Good luck Sam. So excited for you 🏀💙


Helen Orders
Good luck, beautiful girl! xx

Ilona Barry
Good luck Jackson

The Mclarens
Go well Jordan. We are cheering for you and are very proud. Love Charlie, Henry (Stuart and Whitney)


Kassie, Viv & Carmen Watson
So very proud of you Dylan. Enjoy every moment ❤️

Kerri And Richard Fry
Go get em Miriam!

The Maher’s
The Maher Family are so very proud of your achievements Oliver. This will be an experience of a lifetime 🤟👏

Gemma Bryn Michelle And David Nicholas
So proud of you Always Sam!! Have a wonderful time 😘

Ben Brown
You don't know me but I went to school with your mum. If you are anything like her then you are a really good person. I really hope you get to the Special Olympics and do really well. Good luck Tameka

Good luck miriam

Mayada Micevski
Together we are strong

It would be more if only I can win tattslotto

Angie And Colin Carter
Well done Sophie. A great achievement after lots of hard work. Have fun at the Games.

Jim Karvounaris
Good luck G.

Joseph Kasses
Thank your Grand father.

Edward Allen
Go Robbie! Good luck for Berlin your mate Ed

Edward Allen
Go go go Maddy! xx your mate Ed

Go Sarah Bear!!! Proud of you ❤️

Cameron Family Cameron
Wishing you all best!!

Andrea Comastri
$200...because it's an even better number! Well done Juliet, very proud of you. Hope you have a great time in Berlin!

Lee Morgan

Tyrepower Mackay
All the best Chloe from the Team at Tyrepower

Paul And Jennie Cosmo
Great work mate.


Ocean Logic
Good luck big fella

Katy Williams
Congratulations and enjoy every minute!!!!

So proud of you... such a wonderful experience

Matthew Lepua
Lessgoo Sarah

Award Carpets Gold Coast

Mark Jolly
Here is a little bit of money to help you get to Berlin. Go Champ! Love from Uncle Mark

Lima Wetherell
Good luck!

Proud of you Chloe

Kate Rogers
Good work Karen you’ll smash it!

Joan And Ian
Go Brucie

Bernadette Fitzgerald
Well done Elizabeth!

Lizzy B
You’re a star H !!! Good luck and enjoy Lots of love Lizzy Brett and Badgies xxxxxx

Gaz Bergman
$192 Days until the games. I'm excited that you are a sportsman and a dancer! That makes you perfect to represent Australia!

Patrick Liddy
Well done Juliet!! Super proud of you!

Mccall Family
Go Harry!!!

Liddeaux Family
Juliet! We are so proud of you and all that you do! What a bloody great achievement this is. Berlin is my favourite city - I know you will love it. Play Hard! We want lots of videos and updates - wish we could be there! Love your favourite cousins!!!! Hahah - H, L, J, D, A and O xxxxxx

Jason Stephenson
Good on ya Dane! Go get 'em mate!

Jacqueline Abela
Congratulations Giuliano, looking forward to following your journey - best o wishes 💪🏽

Williams Family
Go Anton!!! Your the best!!!

Kerry @ Paul Woods
Congratulations Lauren a reward for all your hard work.

Sonni And Shelby Hill
How wonderful Karen, Great work. We will be cheering you on. xxx

Maureen Wyatt
Good luck Jordan

Narelle & Jasmin Gemmill
Congratulations and Good Luck Lauren! We are so excited for you!

Burke And Beyond
We're all behind you Jordan! We hope you have a fantastic time in Berlin.

James, Jack & Lachie Constable
Good luck Maddy Have heaps of fun in Berlin

Alice, Lizzie & Charlie Harris
Well done Jordan - what an achievement! We will be cheering for you when you're in Berlin.

The Fewster Family
Dear Jordan, We are so proud of you. Being selected to represent Australia at the World Games is an incredible achievement. You are an absolute super star. Good luck with your training in the lead-up to the Games. We can't wait to cheer your team on from Australia, as you do us all proud in Berlin. Lots of love and good wishes from your friends, Debbie, Paul, Patrick and Isabella.

Linda Marijanovic
Have an awesome time with your team, you are champions no matter what medal you bring home 🥇

Worldwide - Bondi

Spyros Tryfon
Wishing you the best of luck Oliver!! From a friend of your grandad Ray, Spyros the former owner of the Cosmopolitan Cafe at Bondi Junction

Darren Arnott
So thrilled for you Giuliano. Looking forward to hearing all about it next year!


Vic 11 Coles Lara Bbq

Australian Sugar Cane Railway

Coles Rochedale #4386
Good luck in your journey to the Berlin Special Olympics Jacko. Best wishes from the Coles #4386 Rochedale team

Pie Drive

Mark And Annika
All the best Bella!

Proceeds raised at Gold Coast Tennis Comp. Good luck in Berlin Alex.

Proceeds from Gold Coast Tennis Competition. Good luck in Berlin, Rebecca.

Congratulations Karen

Hope this helps.

Wendy & Chris
We are so proud of you! Congratulations and good luck!

Ashley Preston
What an impressive achievement to represent your country! Go Sophie and go Team Australia!

Good luck mate👊

Michelle Parker
Go Chelsea …. Met you tonight at the track , super proud of you 👏

Carla And Mike
Wishing you much success, personal growth and enjoyment mate! Oli, Oli, Oli, Oi, Oi, Oi 😉🎉

Blair Walker
Congratulations on being selected, that’s huge. I hope this helps get you there.

Peta Langevad
Best of luck everyone Peta Gym member

Anna & Geoff Woods
A wonderful achievement Mia. Good luck!

Wendy Lake
Viel Spaß Sophie (that’s German for, have fun). I know you will train really hard and do your very best to make all of Australia proud. What an amazing opportunity you have achieved for yourself.

Cate Goodall
So excited you’re on the team

Kathleen Tennent
From Auntie Rosie and work

Tony Presta & Family

Susan Faulkner

Doug Byrnes
Keep working hard, Chris, and good luck! We are cheering for you from St. Paul, Minnesota, USA.

Anthony Cartiere
All the best Sam We all supporting you You are going crush it


Michael Tannous

Smash to Sammy - you got this brother, enjoy the trip and bring the energy

Mum N Dad
So proud of you Jack... do your best, Love Mum and Dad

Belinda Haines
Congratulations buddy. We are super proud of you. Love The Haines Clan xx

Geoff Clark
Good luck buddy

Ekaterina/ Harry Xanthopoulos
On behalf of Harry Xanthopoulos - sending you his best wishes!

Jo Potts
I loved watching you swim for UQ for so many years. I am so happy and excited that you are on the team and going to Berlin. Enjoy!

Mathieu Laguë
Good luck Amélie! Train well until June!!!

Helen Withey
Good Luck, you are going so well!

Luke Frazzetto
Congratulations Miriam and good luck for the games!

Benita Mckay
Congratulations Natascha! We are all super proud of you!

Kylie Cubbon
Awesome effort Sophie. What a wonderful experience for you. Have fun, from Alan and Kylie

Brett Waters
Congratulations. Doing your best is the best you can do! Have fun!

Stefania Viglione
Hope you reach your target. All the best Nino and Stefania

Wally And Lois Bauman

Ekaterina Xanthopoulos
Wishing you all the best!!!

Mauricio Caffieri

Selena And Martin
Love you- so excited for you Elizabeth

Merrill Versteegen
What a wonderful young lady wishing you all the best in achieving your dream

Veronika Bone
So proud of you Bro. Can't wait to watch you compete. Go for GOLD!

Stef Smith
So proud of you Chris!!! Have an amazing adventure! Xx

Pip Warren
Good luck Elizabeth. What a legend

Michelle, Mikey & Grace X
We are so proud of you Elizabeth!!! Xx

Georgia Toft
Best of luck, Bella! I have been watching your journey for a few years now and know you will do Australia proud! Keep chasing your dreams and loving your beautiful horses.

Peter Delahunty
Good luck Miriam

Kate Dougherty
Congratulations Elizabeth on this fab achievement. Wishing you all the best in Berlin!!

Ray Richards
All the best for Berlin

Ed Birt
Go Dane! You lege! 👏👏✊✊

George & Esther
Go Georgianna. All the best

Go for it & have fun Georgianna.We are so proud

Susie Nugent

Scott And Tina.
Enjoy yourself on your huge adventure. Best of luck. From the Ramsays.

Mandy Hose
Some money to get your fund-raising started Chelsea. The Hose family is right behind you on representing Team Australia.

Elizabeth Delahunty
Hi Miriam, go well - running & shot put! I will look forward to hearing about your Olympic experience and seeing a few photos. Most importantly have fun! Go Miriam ! 🥰Liz

Anne Bowen
Proud to have met you Michael.



Jillian Cummins
Congratulations Miriam - this will be so exciting for you.


Marjorie Luczynski

Unique Disability Support Services
Congratulations Em & Best of Luck!!!

Mum And Dad
Go Daniel !!

Katy And Chris Sadler
So excited for you Harry. We will be cheering you on from afar. 👏🏻♥️ x Katy and Chris

Ashley Kuhle
Congratulations and good luck. Do your best my sweetheart xx

Kon Karakasidis
Hi Georgianna fantastic x3 gold medal achievement. Berlin watch out! Love uncle Kon.

The Dunning Family
Good luck Bella. Well done. Love the Dunning Family

Christine Sita
A HUGE Congrats G, well deserved. All the very best for your journey to the World Games in Berlin XX #cheersquadleader

Tanya Rubin

Krisha Twaddle

Wish you and your team all the best in Berlin! Big hugs Andrea

John Irving
Best of luck Chris. From John at the First Aid Course you attended.

Jude Boulton

Anthony Murdoch, Patten Robins Lawyers And Vice President, Burke And Beyond
Congratulations Jordan!

Go for it, Lisa!

The Morosini Family
Woohoo! Go Elizabeth! An inspiration to us all x

Joanne & Simon
Congratulations Oli. Such a fantastic achievement!

Melissa Hirth
Congratulations to Maddy and team! Such an incredible achievement to be selected. Good luck in Berlin and have lots of fun xx

Alison Ennis
Congratulations on making the team!

Mike &bev Tucker
Tash you have come so far since I first saw you at Pacific par 3 course you are a champion. Mike

Faye Richards
Hope this brings you and your team lots of luck!!!

John & Sue
Have a great time Sophie; we know you will be trying your best.

Oma Mcgrath
Hello Samantha this is oma I wanted to donate $150 to you . Have lots of fun in Germany and if you have time send me some pictures lots of love OMA XXOO


Barbara Byrne
Congratulations Jordan, you will make Australia proud 👏👏

George Karakasidis
Bring back gold!

Way to go Sarah ❤️😘❤️

Craig & Leanne Harris
Best of Luck to you and the whole team repping Australia Dane.

David ,kathy. & Peter Secomb
We are so proud of you. .Enjoy this great experience.Go the Aussies.

Alison Dougherty
Looking forward to seeing you achieving your dreams Elizabeth! Go get that gold!!

Go Bec!


Go Alex!

The Georgiou Fam
So excited for you and your team! We know you will do Australia proud no matter what and we’ll be cheering for you all the way. Good luck!!


Kyle, Nae And Hunter
Your a bloody legend Dane. Go get ‘em in Berlin mate.

Sue Maughan
Inspirational, Good Luck & enjoy

Coles Nerang Fair
Awesome Work Jackson Well done!!

Mark Cunningham
All the best Sam , great achievement .

Congratulations Miriam

Gayle Giblin
So excited for you! Go Sophie.

Sean, Gehann And Seb
Go for it Ollie! We hope you have a wonderful experience.

Amanda & Grant Francis
Mandy & Grant Francis wish you all the very best at Berlin deserve to be there - wish we could be there also to cheer you on.

Sam & Georgia Tucci
Congratulations Giuliano!

Charles Li
good luck Amelie! you are the best!

Blair, Amanda, Patrick, And Adrian
Best of luck to you and your teammates, Oli! You’ll have an amazing time and make wonderful memories. And Berlin is the best city!

Wilko Van Syl
Onya Dylan, wishing you all the best mate.. 😀


Emma Hocking
Immensely proud of you Maddy! Can’t wait to see you race on the World stage!

Lewin Sharon
From your third favourite Aunty. X

Kath And Dave
Good luck.

Lyn Tennent
So very proud of you Tash

The Casuscelli Family
Hey Giuliano, all the very best, hopefully Marco can join you soon.

Matt Keogh

Robert Carruthers

Fiona And Jamie
Go Mia!! Best of luck from Jupiter Creek

I'm excited for you! All the best!

Margie Holmes
You go girl 🥳🥳🥳🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️

Good luck


Christopher Zanapalis
To a good old friend of grandad Oliver wishing you all the best buddy great achievement and have fun you are only as good as your last win go team Oliver good mate Chris zap and the Zanapalis team

Jenny Spence
Congratulations on selection, a wonderful opportunity!

Louise Farinotti
All the best Giuliano!! Hope you get to Berlin!

Hawkesbury And District Basketball Association
Go Sarah #wearealljets

Jenni - Your Meals
Go Jaye!!

Christine Christopher
Wishing you all the very best for this exciting adventure Sophie. We are very proud of you! Lots of love, Chrissy, Sam & Pa xx

Craig Kitchen
Have fun Brookie

Tom,noela &hayley Barrett
Best wishes,we know you will do us proud

Joe Noda
What an amazing opportunity! Best of luck and have fun!!!

Julie & Lisa
Congrats Dylan, So happy for you! Luv Julie & Lisa

Go Georgianna xx

Eric And Lyn Rickman
We hope you have a great trip Bruce and all the best with the event’s you’re competing in.😊😊😊👍👍👍

Lachlan Wills
Good luck Robert

Jan & Mark
Congratulations Mia to you and all the team. Have lots of fun xxx

Jessica Bartels
Good luck Shaun, we are so proud of you!

Angela Belli
Wishing all the best!

Me Mary-louise
Good luck Dylan and the whole Team! Have a wonderful time

Pie Drive Fundraiser

Glad to help you with the BBQ on Saturday, 21st January, 2023. Good luck Rani!

Louise Mcbryde
Congratulations Jack:) You and your mum are amazing. Enjoy the competition and the journey. Much love, Louise

Coles Mudgeeraba
Great effort at the Coles, Mudgeeraba BBQ Rani. What wonderful support from all the shoppers. Good Luck!

Mark Tocchini
We like this number too! Good luck in the Green & Gold

Elizabeth Lucas
Go well Sophie! And have FUN!!

Bedt of luck Lauren Enjoy the experience

Rob & Eliza Nioa

Steph Mcgoran
Congratulations Madi- I remember you from YMCA gymnastics and I am sure you are great at basketball just like you were at gymnastics. Good luck!

Grandchester Hotel Qld
So Proud of our local girl Bella taking on the world, we will be cheering for you at the Grandie. Sharron

Tiarn Wegener
Congratulations and all the best!!

So happy to support you Jordan and your team! Congratulations on making it this far! Let’s reach that target!

James Coleman


Yoshe Susanne Hodgkinson
We believe in you forever and day. Go get em mate. Love Neil and Yoshe

Louise J
Go Harry!

Amanda Kowalczyk
Hey Dane. Haven’t met you yet but have heard you’re an epic human and I can’t wait to catch up one day. Berlin here you come!!!

Harpreet Kaur Gill
Best of luck to you Lauren

Imogyn Evans
You deserve this so much Madi you worked so hard for this

Kerry And John
So,so proud of you Juliet! Good luck and enjoy this fabulous experience. XX

Mum And Dad
Go Sophie - you will have an awesome time.

Mum, Dad And Georgie.
We are so proud you have been selected in the Special Olympics Team to represent Australia at Berlin, 2023, in Athletics. We love you Jacko!!!!

Luke Tushuizen

Go get ‘em Georgianna

Lyn Hall
Congratulations on great achievement Sam - so proud to know you as you are an inspiration...Good Luck Cheers Lyn

Eric And Mary Papadopoulos
Good luck and best wishes.Bring home the GOLD Georgianna..

John And Noelene
Viel Gluck Sophie

Margaret Younes
congratulations wishing you all the best on this great achievement

Strathalbyn & District Basketball Association

Jen And Benji
Good luck Emily!

James, Kristina & Jordan Nicolaou
Go Get them Georgianna- bring home the Gold! Viel Glück (Best of Luck in German)

Christopher Gooden
have fun and try your best

Cory Nugent
Good luck Georgia


Vicki Kim
Best wishes, Sophie, as you head to the games! We're so excited for you and look forward to following your adventure! Love from the Kim family.

Ray Zammit
Extra BONDI help for Ollie and the team


Proud of you Shaun!

Jared & Rebecca Thomson
Best of luck Maddi and the rest of the team.

Biju, Vinu & Arlene
Good Luck Natascha


Michael Burrows
Have Fun. Swim fast!

Senan, Catherine And Eoin
Good luck Emily, you have worked hard for this, all the best.


Chem Maksakul


Lee Beyer
Hope you win, but most importantly I hope you have FUN!

Glenn And Cynthia
Good luck Angie

Netty Vaugjan
Huge congratulations on your selection for the World games! Amazing. Best Wishes and lots of Good Luck and energy with love from all the Vaughans xx

Helen Phil Dani Shakira And Zayden
You are amazing so proud of you ❤️😊xxx

Janine Tuson
Congratulations Jackson . So proud of your achievements. Mean Janine x

Civil Comms Australia
Good on you mate

Annita Lepua

Because we are proud of you !! Go get them girrrrrl!!!

Linda Jowsey
Do your best Georgianna and have fun!

Bettles Family
Smash it Robbie! you are a wonderful Ambassador for Special Olympics bowling - bring back the /gold!!! the Bettles Family

Maureen Ellen Ballis
All the best.

Cheering for you Em!

April Wilson
Congratulations on your selection for Gymnastics Sophie! I know you'll have an incredible time and do us all proud!

White Family
Go Mads, we are very proud of you xxxx

With Love from Grandad

Simsic Family
Congratulations Maddy. Wishing you all the best. We are so proud of you. 🌟👏🏊♀️

Arkin Kaman

Elaine And Michael
Congratulations and good luck TJ from Elaine and Michael

To my beautiful daughter who so much deserves this opportunity l live you xxoo

Teresa Haddock
Go Chris!! You’re an inspiration to me and my 13 year old son Ben, and so many people.

Kerrighan Darling
Lauren, you are my hero! I'm so proud of you and you deserve this. I'm so proud to call you my team mate. ❤️ Kerrighan

Keryn Tole
Go Sophie!

Good luck Shaun

Andrew & Andrea Magub
Well done Elizabeth and good luck!

Kate Redford
Wishing you all the very best of success

The Harvey's
So proud of you Dan! Play hard, stay safe and have so much fun!!

Quality Business Services
Have a great time in Berlin!

Good luck …..

Carmel Cartiere
So proud of you Sam! You’re a champion w a heart of good. We r cheering you in all the way

Go Sammy, So proud of you!

Bondi Gym
Good luck Oliver! If you train just as hard as your grandpa does here at the gym I’m sure you will be successful
Our Team Members

Rana Istambouli

Anders Kobula

Angela Fowler

Bray Aquino

Christopher Bunton

Dane Pritchard

Juliet Liddy

Kaylen McDonald

Lisa Weingartner

Michael Wheatley

Sam Milton

Sam Schloeffel

Sarah Clarke

Alex Baker

Amanda Patterson

Bruce Gossner

Caitlin Kerby

Chloe Hosa

Daniel Wright

Dylan Price

Elizabeth Hocart

Emily Taylor

Georgia Nugent

Isabella Parisi

Jack Craig-Daly

Jackson Ross

Jonathan Miszczak

Kane Leonard

Karen Messmer

Matthew Curley

Natascha Tennent

Oliver King

Rani Hancock

Rebecca Allison

Stuart Gorton

TJ Straw

Anton Cobb

Rebecca Jones

Madison Fox

Mia Woods

Amelie Lague

Andrew Robbins

Angus Kilpatrick

Brooke Greenhalgh

Chelsea Haag-Witherden

Georgianna Mouratidis

Giuliano Maiolo

Harry Mezger

Jordan McCormick

Justin Williams

Lauren Menzies

Madison Tanner

Miriam Holmes

Nicholas Bruin

Robert Goodrem

Samantha Godden

Sophie Nichols

Tameka Strickland

Vicki Robbins

Kim-Heula Smith

Shaun Bartels

Troy O'Neill

We wish you all the best at the games TJ!