Denise McCreadie

Polar Plunge Perth 2024

38 days to Hillary's Polar Plunge

Thank you to my Sponsors so far!!
You have helped me raise over $200 so have raised my Goal to $500

My work Team, PTPF Plungers are just over $400 ... with more yet to be uploaded ??

Please help us raise more to support our amazing athletes at Special Olympics WA. 

I’ll be freezin’ for a reason

For the first three LETR WA Polar Plunges I was a Volunteer - helping with setup and take down to support the event. 

Special Olympic Athlete Blake Veaney askes every year "Will you plunge with us Denise?" and every year I say "No - but I will support you from the shore".

Well this year Blake ... I will be plunging and raising funds to give people like yourself with intellectual disability/autism opportunities to play sport, experience joy and belong.

So family, friends, colleagues and supporters ... Please support me, so I can support them.

I’ll be freezin’ for a reason.


My Achievements

Created a Fundraising Page

Reached 50% of Fundraising Goal

Reached 100% of Fundraising Goal

Thank you to my Sponsors


Glenys Arnold

Good for you ... love Mum xx


Gordon Mccreadie

Bub! Have a cold dip!!! Love Gordo xx


Jane Kung

Great job!


Denise Vassallo

OMG - Don't have a heart attack!


Blake Veaney

Very proud of you for doing this, Denise. Looking forward to being part of this years Polar Plunge with you. From Blake.


Rachel, Nicole, Ellis, And Carson

I demand video!! 😄


Sandy Arnold

Wishing you all the best for this and i hope this helps in a small way


Kate Haig

Gooooooooo Mrs Mac!


Denise Mccreadie