Gary Ballard

Polar Plunge Sydney 2024

I’ll be freezin’ for a reason

I’m taking a plunge and raising funds to give people with intellectual disability/autism opportunities to play sport, experience joy and belong.

Please support me, so I can support them.

I’ll be freezin’ for a reason.


My Achievements

Created a Fundraising Page

Reached 50% of Fundraising Goal

Reached 100% of Fundraising Goal

Thank you to my Sponsors


Bob Lysaught

Good luck Gary


Carolyn Mcnamara

Great work Balls. Freeze them off!


Danny Doherty

Good Onya Balls!


Graham Maranda

Seize the Freeze !!!


Eleni Ledford

Good luck Balls,


Craig Smith


Barry Foyle


Mark Gorton

Hope it goes well Balls, sorry I can't be there to watch.


Peter & Lisa Donadel


Julie Burgess

Great job Gary 🫶🏻


Debra Bowe

All the best I know you can do this.


Paul Rankin


Michelle Roberts

Good luck 😊



Good luck balls


Gary Ballard



Happy to donate to a great course. Well done!


Gary Hodsdon


Mick Goodwin


Stacey Bannon


Matt & Haze


Mike And Cathie


Kim Aubrey


Dave Carroll

Don't freeze too much!! 🤪🤪


John Aubrey

Good luck mate. Only a small donation am sorry as still on compo. 🍻🍻


Shae Aubrey


Tiarne Aubrey