Kate Lockyer

Polar Plunge Melbourne 2024

I’ll be freezin’ for a reason

I’m taking a plunge and raising funds to give people with intellectual disability/autism opportunities to play sport, experience joy and belong.

Please support me, so I can support them.

I’ll be freezin’ for a reason.


My Achievements

Created a Fundraising Page

Reached 50% of Fundraising Goal

Reached 100% of Fundraising Goal

Thank you to my Sponsors


Kate Lockyer


Jess Mastroianni

Well done Kate! Would love to see some pics of the day!


Kaz Rob

Go Kate and team 👏🏻 You're all legends 😊 I'll come down to cheer you on and hand you a fluffy towel 😉


Dean Parrello

Good luck being cold, we and sandy