Matt Volk

Polar Plunge Melbourne 2024

On the home straight!

Just over a week to go until the Melbourne Polar Plunge!
 Thank you to everyone for their support of this fundraising effort to benefit the magnificent athletes from Special Olympics Victoria. 
There’s still time to make a tax deductible donation to the cause. Also time for you to sign up to take part in the Polar plunge too! 

Target Reached and Increased!

Wow! A huge thank you to everyone who has donated to my Polar Plunge fundraising campaign. The $1,000 has been reached thanks to the generosity of so many people. With over 5 weeks to go until the plunge I’ve decided to set a new fundraising target of $1,500. Let’s do this! 
Cheers, Matt   

I’ll be freezin’ for a reason

I’m taking a plunge and raising funds to give people with intellectual disability/autism opportunities to play sport, experience joy and belong.

Please support me, so I can support them.

I’ll be freezin’ for a reason.


My Achievements

Created a Fundraising Page

Reached 50% of Fundraising Goal

Reached 100% of Fundraising Goal

Thank you to my Sponsors


Hero Industries

Sorry I can't join you on your adventure, but I'm in Thailand for at least 2 more months. :)


Don Ryan

hope the water is warm



Geelong Football Club budgies please!


Lee Volk

Congrats on achieving your goal - hopefully you reach the next 🎯. Have fun freezin for such a good reason 👏. Not something I could do 🥶


Roger And Paul

Good luck Matt from us both


Lance Gatdiner


Sharyn Volk


John Plummer

Shrinkage is a thing you know


David & Michelle Nickels

You’re a hardy soul! Good luck. Well done with all your Special Olympics stuff.


Natalie Ashton

Good luck Matt


Brenda Mcelvogue



Great to see you onboard the Polar Express Volky - well done buddy for a great cause


Ian Mclennan

“Don’t forget to allow for shrinkage” a George Costanza.


Kylie & Rob

Good Lucky Matt. From Kylie and Rob


Bryan & Gabby Holmes

Nothing like an ice bath. A tireless supporter of the cause


Cory Knox

You have been a committed advocate and champion for this great cause- great effort Matt👏👏


Peter Blakeman


Umesh Paramasivam


Everfit Studio - Emma & Michael

Well done Matt!! Amazing effort!


Josh Volk

Great stuff Matt!


Nicole Vee

We're all super proud of you Matt! You'll be freezin' for a really good reason!


Lachie Volk


Margaret Mee

Good luck for the Polar Plunge!


Katie Murphy


Kevin Jolly



Good luck Volky. A worthy cause that’s worth freezing the jewels for!!


Stacey Hull

Hi Matt Good luck with your plunge


Mitch Holmes

Enjoy the cold!


Anne Cherny

Go Matt, champion of special Olympics athletes. Supporter extraordinaire


Alison Costantino

Great effort Matt xx




Harry Mezger

Way to go matt you are doing such a wonderful job raising awareness and supporting such a great charity looking Forword to seeing what costume you have come up with.


Fiona Ellis

Try and warm :)


Matt Volk


Luca Giannessi

Nice work Matt! You inspire each and every one of us to contribute more to society! Torch, Run!