NSW SES Orange Otters

Polar Plunge Sydney 2024

NSW SES Orange Otters will be freezin’ for a reason

The team from NSW SES is looking forward to taking the plunge and raising funds to give people with intellectual disability/autism opportunities to play sport, experience joy and belong.

Please support us, so we can support them.

We’ll be freezin’ for a reason.

#ChooseToInclude #NSWSES

Our Achievements

Reached 50% of Fundraising Goal

Reached 100% of Fundraising Goal

Thank you to our Sponsors




Sam Sgroi

Best of luck with the challenge !!!!



Good luck and have fun


Glenn Ferguson


Dorothy Mcphail

Good on you Deb.


The Dunne’s

Go you good thang!!!!!!


Anne Vigar


Chris Christodoulou

Great work SES Team


Sam Toohey



Sam Toohey



Ian Thompson

Happy to helpout Deb. I hope you have a wetsuit!


Liz Troiani

I will be cheering you on the sidelines :)




Tracy Gower

Go Lou and the Otters - what a great cause!


Ash Platz


Jen Demaagd

Go Lou!!!!


Graham Moffitt

Good luck for the big plunge in August!


Kim Kellaway

Good on you Deb - freezin' for a very good reason!!


Paula Locke

Go Lou! Hope it will be videoed.


Lou Wilson



Go SES Otters



I bet Deb doesn't go past her toes


Emily Barton


Rebecca Givney


Nikki Ristoski


Jeff Knowles

You are fantastic helping out a great cause. Hope you raise lots of money 👊


Jenny Watts


Colin Malone

Good luck


Belinda Freeme


Chris Pierags


Ray Merz


Nat Bennett

I hear the water is lovely this time of year... Good Luck Deb


Michael Newman

Good luck!!


Lianne Forgione


Amy Johnson

Always your #1 fan Emmy!


Chris Polzot

I think you're pretty "cool" already. Great stuff, Em!



Great work Deb and team SES!


Debbie Platz