Stacey Ward

Polar Plunge Brisbane 2024

Join me

As the treasurer and organiser for the Qld LETR Polar Plunge I have signed up to take the plunge for the 2nd year in a row. Please donate to my page and help me be the highest fundraiser for the 2nd year in a row. I also pledge that if I reach my goal of $2000 I will jump into the pool in a bikini. As someone who is very body conscious and doesn't love their look - this is absolutely massive for me. But if it helps me raise money for Special Olympics athletes, then I will do it. 

Taking the Plunge for Inclusion

I’m taking a plunge and raising funds to give people with intellectual disability/autism opportunities to play sport, experience joy and belong.

Please support me, so I can support them.

I’ll be taking the plunge for Inclusion.

If I raise $2000 or more, I will plunge in a bikini - which is massive for someone as body-conscious as me! 



My Achievements

Created a Fundraising Page

Reached 50% of Fundraising Goal

Reached 100% of Fundraising Goal

Thank you to my Sponsors



Go you !!! Great effort !


Lyndell Ward

Go get em.


Stacey Ward


Nat Bennett

I hear the water is warmer in Qld :) Good luck Stacey


Elements Running

Good luck Champion, you are a real good egg! :)