Give Sport This Christmas

Give Joy!

Meet Bray. He represented Australia at the Special Olympics World Games 2023 where he won gold in the prestigious 100m track event in front of proud family, friends and fans. There are many young people with intellectual disability or autism like Bray wanting to play sport and find their time to shine.

This Christmas give someone like Bray the joy of sport!

  • Isabella just donated $745
  • Greg just donated $52.75
  • Luca Giannessi just donated $10
  • Fiona Ellis just donated $26.38
  • Victoria just donated $208
  • Deborah Begg (Sazdanoff) just donated $31.65
  • Anonymous just donated $26.38
  • Anonymous just donated $50
  • Anonymous just donated $15
  • Alicia Simon just donated $26.38
  • Anonymous just donated $26.38

Give Sport!

Give Joy!

Give Now!

This Christmas, you can give an athlete with intellectual disability or autism the opportunity to experience the joy of sport, make friends and be included.

By giving to Special Olympics Australia this Christmas, you will support coaches and volunteers dedicated to bringing the joy of sport to people with disability - for an entire year - so they can discover their talents and achieve their dreams.

Too many people with intellectual disability and autism miss out on the benefits of sport through lack of opportunity, understanding and support, which is what Special Olympics Australia provides.

Can you help us spread the joy of sport this Christmas?

Gift $80

Your gift will allow an athlete to take part in multiple sports and competitions, make friends in a safe, friendly environment and find their time to shine for a year.

Gift $120

Your gift will help Special Olympics Australia train a new coach to give people with disability the opportunity to play safe and inclusive sport in their local community.

Gift $25

Your gift will help Special Olympics build and develop new sport and lifestyle programs for the twelve children born with intellectual disability in Australia every day.

Gift Your Choice!

Your gift will give the joy of sport and inclusion to people with intellectual disability and autism in local communities because no Australian should be left on the sidelines.

Joy Givers


Joy Given


Xmas Countdown

Days to go

Thank you to our supporters!



Greg Jones


Luca Giannessi

Merry Christmas to you all! I hope you have a wonderful festive season and a Happy 2024!


Fiona Ellis


Victoria Mills


Deborah Begg (Sazdanoff)


About Us

Special Olympics Australia

Special Olympics Australia brings sport, joy and inclusion to athletes with an intellectual disability and autism through sport.