Terms and Conditions


  1. By completing the online entry process, or by preparing for or participating in the Event, You agree to be bound by these Terms & Conditions which you acknowledge constitute the terms and conditions of an agreement between you and Special Olympics Australia.
  2. Special Olympics Australia agrees to permit you to participate in the Event upon and subject to these Terms & Conditions.

Acknowledgement and Assumption of Risk

  1. You acknowledge that preparation for and participation in the Event can cause personal injury and/or death. The risk of personal injury or death includes (but is not limited to) the following:
    1. Swimming risks - You may be subject to the usual risks associated with swimming.  These include the risk of drowning (including partial drowning and secondary drowning).  It also includes the risk of personal injury or death as a result of diving, jumping or otherwise entering and exiting the water.
    2. Personal health risks - You may be subject to risks to your personal health, including the transmission of communicable diseases from other participants or from members of the general public (including but not limited to COVID-19).  You may also be subject to risk arising from a lack of fitness, or from other aspects of Your physical, mental or emotional condition (including the use of alcohol, or prescription or non-prescription drugs or medications).
  2. You acknowledge and agree that these Terms and Conditions, and in particular the provisions of paragraph 1 above, constitute a “risk warning” within the meaning of 5M of the Civil Liability Act 2002 (NSW).
  3. You acknowledge and agree that:
    1. You have read these Terms and Conditions.
    2. You are bound by these Terms and Conditions, and any other requirements, procedures or rules adopted or implemented by Special Olympics Australia in relation to the Event (whether adopted or implemented before or after the date of your entry for the Event);
    3. You are fully capable of preparing for and participating in the Event without causing harm to Yourself or others.
    4. Preparation for and participation in the Event requires a degree of fitness and endurance, and You are solely responsible for Your conditioning and fitness prior to, during and following Your preparation for and participation in the Event.
    5. You are solely responsible for determining whether or not preparation for and participation in the Event is appropriate or safe for You.
    6. You are not aware of any matter relating to your physical, mental, or emotional health that renders your preparation for or participation in the Event inappropriate or unsafe for You.
    7. You have obtained appropriate advice from a suitable health practitioner in relation to any pre-existing physical, mental or emotional condition before Your preparation for or participation in the Event.
    8. You voluntarily assume all risks of personal injury and death associated with or arising out of preparation for or participation in the Event, whether or not such risks are known to you or to Special Olympics Australia, and whether or not the risks are within the control of Special Olympics Australia, and whether or not the materialisation of the risk is caused or contributed to by Special Olympics Australia.
  4. You warrant that You:
    1. are and continue to be physically, mentally and emotionally fit to prepare for and participate in the Event;
    2. are not a danger to Yourself or to the health and safety of others;
    3. are not presently receiving treatment for any condition, illness, disorder, or injury which would render it unsafe for You to prepare for or participate in the Event;
    4. will not participate in the Event if You are receiving treatment for any condition, illness, disorder, or injury which would render it unsafe for You to participate in the Event.
  5. You acknowledge that Your preparation for and participation in the Event will take place at locations (including premises and in the natural environment) not owned or controlled by Special Olympics Australia, and Special Olympics Australia does not oversee or take responsibility for any aspect of the conditions present at these locations.
  6. You agree to release, hold harmless and not to sue Special Olympics Australia in relation to any and all claims, liabilities, suits or expenses (including medical and legal costs) that you have or (but for these Terms and Conditions) may have had in respect of any personal injury or death or any other damage or loss arising out of or in any way connected with Your preparation for or participation in the Event howsoever arising, whether or not caused by any act or omission by Special Olympics Australia and whether or not negligent, reckless or wilful, or done in breach of a statutory duty, or done in breach of any term of this agreement, whether express or implied.
  7. You agree to indemnify Special Olympics Australia with respect to any and all claims, liabilities, suits or expenses (including medical and legal costs)  in respect of or arising out of or in any way connected with any personal injury or death or any other damage or loss to You arising out of or in any way connected with Your preparation for or participation in the Event howsoever arising, whether or not caused by any act or omission by Special Olympics Australia and whether or not negligent, reckless or wilful, or done in breach of a statutory duty, or done in breach of any term of this agreement, whether express or implied.
  8. You acknowledge and agree that the release given in clause 6 and the indemnity given in clause 7 are each given to and for the benefit of Special Olympics Australia, the sponsors of the Event, and all other persons and entities involved in or otherwise engaged in organising, promoting, staging, administering, running, or controlling the Event.
  9. You acknowledge and agree that the release given in clause 6 and the indemnity given in clause 7 are each binding upon You, Your executors, administrators, dependents, and other personal representatives.
  10. You acknowledge and agree that the liability of Special Olympics Australia in relation to recreational services (as that term is defined in the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cwlth) and the Australian Consumer Law) for:
    1. death;
    2. physical or mental injury (including the aggravation, acceleration, or recurrence of such an injury);
    3. the contraction, aggravation, or acceleration of a disease;
    4. the coming into existence, the aggravation, acceleration or recurrence of any other condition, circumstance, occurrence, activity, form of behaviour, course of conduct or state of affairs:
      1. that is or may be harmful or disadvantageous to you or the community;
      2. that may result in harm or disadvantage to you or the community, that may be suffered by you (or a person for whom or on whose behalf you are acquiring the services) resulting from the supply of recreational services or recreational activities,
      is excluded and the application of any express or implied term that any services will be provided with due care and skill, or the application of any statutory guarantee that any services will be provided with due care and skill, is hereby excluded.
  11. You acknowledge and agree that the entry fee payable for participation in the Event does not include personal accident insurance cover.  You agree that you are responsible for your own personal accident, medical and/or life insurance and any and all expenses in the event of personal injury or death. 


  1. You agree to and consent to the free use of Your name, personal information, photograph, interview, appearance or participation in the Event in any newspaper, promotion, advertising material, publication, video, broadcast, website or social media by Special Olympics Australia or the sponsors of the Event.
  2. Except as provided for by clause 12, Your personal information will be used only for the purposes of communicating with You about the Event and promotional activities related to the Event, and otherwise in accordance with the National Privacy Principles.
  3. These Terms and Conditions (and any documents referred to herein) constitute the entire agreement between You and Special Olympics Australia in relation to Your preparation for and participation in the Event, and supersedes all other agreements, understandings, representations and negotiations with Special Olympics Australia in relation to the Event.
  4. To the extent that any part of this agreement is unenforceable it is to be read down so as to render it enforceable and if it cannot be read down that part of the agreement is severable and does not affect the remaining provisions of this agreement.

Refund Policy

  1. There are no refunds for entries for the Event if it is cancelled. The Event is subject to weather conditions on the day. If the conditions are assessed to be too dangerous for the Event to proceed in any form, Special Olympics Australia will endeavour to secure a new date for the event if possible. Entries will not be refundable. The proceeds from the Event are donated to Special Olympics Australia to support athletes with intellectual disability and autism.
  2. If any Event participant wishes to withdraw their entry prior to the Event, the following refund conditions apply:
    1. Participants must contact the Event organisers more than 14 working days prior to the Event date outlining their request to cancel their entry. Registration fee less 5% will be refunded to cover bank fees and admin charges. No donations will be refunded.
    2. No refund is payable to any Event participant who withdraws from the Event within 14 working days of the Event date.
  3. Without in any way limiting the preceding paragraph, You acknowledge that your participation in the Event may be prevented or inhibited by non-mandatory health advisories, mandatory public health orders and other laws and regulations. You acknowledge that in the event your participation is thereby prevented or inhibited no refund will be payable.