Charlie Cauchi just donated $120
Cameron just donated $10
Rod Spencer just donated $26.38
Thursday Night Swimming just donated $70
Yohan Khoshaba just donated $31.50
Kris and Rob Gage just donated $25
Anonymous just donated $58.02
Craig & Michelle Pidgeon just donated $26.38
Margaret Rosolen just donated $50
peter lyons just donated $55
Denise and David just donated $21
Raquel W just donated $35
Therese McQuade just donated $105.50
Anonymous just donated $10.55
Anonymous just donated $10.55
Anonymous just donated $26.38
Julia De Francesco just donated $26
Suzanne friend of Lori! just donated $26.38
Audrey just donated $100
Robert O’Riordan just donated $58.02
Help raise funds for Special Olympics athletes in NSW.

Event Details
8am, Sunday 4 August 2024
Gunnamatta Bay Baths, Cronulla
Registration – 8am
Torch Run – 9am
Polar Plunge – 10am
Look What You've Raised, Sydney!
Who's in the Lead?

Your Incentives
- Sign up and receive a Polar Plunge beanie.
- Raise $200 and get a Polar Plunge t-shirt.
- Raise $500 and we’ll add a beach towel to the mix.
- Raise $1,000 and we’ll add a special gift to your rewards.
- There are also incentives for Teams who raise $5,000 or more.
Event Contacts
Scott Whyte
Ben MacFarlane
Tina Davies