I'm making a SPLASH
I’m competing in the SPLASH corporate swim challenge to raise funds to support the incredible work of Special Olympics Australia.
Special Olympics Australia brings joy, fun and friendship to people with intellectual disability and autism through sport, leadership, health and lifestyle programs.
By being accepted, included and supported, people with intellectual disability and autism have the opportunity to reach their personal best. It can be life-changing for them and their families.
Support me today and let’s give everyone a chance to play sport and experience the joy of belonging to a sporting community.
Any amount can make a difference and any donation of $2 or more is tax-deductible.
Thank you.
My Achievements
Uploaded a Profile Picture
Created a Team
Shared Page
Reached 25% of Fundraising Goal
Reached 50% of Fundraising Goal
Reached 75% of Fundraising Goal
Reached 100% of Fundraising Goal
Increased Goal
Thank you to my Sponsors
Ted Clenaghan
Kate Bowes
Jess Cooper
Gooooo Ted you fish
Good luck, Ted! We are all rooting for you.
Good luck my love
Thomas Condon
Splash on king
Paul Clenaghan
Who’d have thought one year ago… brilliant stuff!
Grace Ellis
Aidan Williams
Go Ted!
Our Team
Alec Sheldon
Anthony Landro
Colin Biggers & Paisley Lawyers (C)
Conor Sheridan
Elyse Di Stefano
Emily Webber
Rebecca Pellizzon
Ted Clenaghan